The weekly magazine that for more than 30 years has been a crucial piece for the city of Turin.
A benchmark for the social and cultural life in the city, a "creativity enclosure", as the editor in chief Maurizio Molinari describe it.
Each event, artist or cultural story in the city aspires to be reported by Torinosette on Friday, as well as the readers know that it's also about their interests and passions, suggesting the best social and cultural events for them to choose.
Torinosette is about good news, cultural activities, entertainment, festivals. On averege, 56 pages of:
• Weekly columns : Il pensiero debole, by Luciana Littizzetto; Storie di città, by Bruno Gambarotta; Gente di Torino, by Giuseppe Culicchia.
• Articles about curiosities, clubs, shopping all around the city.
• MOVIN' segment, about Alessandria, Asti, Biella, Cuneo, Novara, Vercelli, Verbania, Aosta and the region Liguria.
• FUORI TORINO segment, about events, festivals and enertainment in the Torino district.
• WEEKLY CALENDAR about how, when and what to do in the city, linkink www.lastampa.it/torinosette
Day of publication: FRIDAY, removable from the inside of the newspaper
Circulation: Torino and district
Birth date 1987
Head Editor Cristina Caccia
Periodicity Settimanale