la Voce di Rovigo
The only one district newspaper in Polesine, "La Voce", was first published on May 8, 2004, as the ideal continuation of the short previous experience of "Corriere di Rovigo". Edited in cooperative, the newspaper is all about the territory, thanks to its corresponded and collaborators. Over the years the newspaper achieved authority, professionalism and circulation, becoming a benchmark for an area full of history, culture and economic vitality; the only area in the north-east that never had a local newspaper after the war. La Voce is nowadays well-established in Rovigo, Delta del Po and all around Polesine, but also present in the districts of Venezia (Cavarzere) and Padova (Boara Pisani, Vescovana, Stanghella and Anguillara Veneta). Its "pages of opinion" is the preffered place to debate about the territory. The Monday coloured edition with 32 sport pages and the Tuesday dossier about youth soccer and various special pages (economics, work, real estate, week-end, motors), made La Voce the most preferred newspaper in Polesine. La Voce is on line and on other digital platforms.
Head Editor Pier Francesco Bellini