La Tribuna di Treviso
Three months after the launching of Il Mattino di Padova, the Publishing Group Quotidiani Veneti had launched a twin tabloid in a city and district that never had a local newspaper. That's the reason why Tribuna di Treviso was published: a newspaper about the local reality that became established all over Treviso area, in a period when work and income were growing.
It is a newspaper of the group Finegil working in synergy with the other publications and using a simple, clear and direct language. A product with well-defined editorial content about national and international topics, as weel as a complete local information about both city and district. An approach structured by reports and information, but also by encouraging the local authorities activities.
La Tribuna di Treviso is felt as a newspaper close to readers interests, with a modern and clear information style.
La Tribuna di Treviso approval reaches the 51% of population living in Treviso and district that state to read local press.
Head Editor Fabrizio Brancoli
Luca Ubaldeschi