Bresciaoggi was first published in the earlier '70s by Luigi Lucchini, former president of the Italian Industrial Federation, who meant to create a new information source about the city and district of Brescia, including the areas of Verona e Trento around the Lake of Garda. After a pretty bad period during the years of self-management by typographers and journalists, Bresciaoggi lives today a new dynamism, since Athesis Group (L'Arena and Il Giornale di Venezia) acquired it. Some important investments in machines and modern layout systems gave to the newspaper a look which reveals the vitality, innovation and courage of its editorial choices. Bresciaoggi can be proud of its space and readers: well-informed and socially active men and women, who had found in this newspaper their own one, whether for national and international knowledge or local interests. The approval of Bresciaoggi earns the 14% of population from Brescia and its district reading the local press.
Periodicity Quotidiano