Il Tirreno.it
Il Tirreno.it gives local and international news and reports to its users. In a 2.0 point of view users may comment the news and express their own opinion, discuss the articles, participate with polls, notices and petitions, upload photo/video.
The site is daily enhanced with news and information structured in different sections, easy to consult because of its exclusive multimedia topics, presented in a dynamic and engaging way. The latest news is also visualized on a map, which allows you to easily focus on the area you're interested in. You can also simply search a politician's, athlete's or celebrity's name, to read all about him/her.
The 32 local information sites of Gruppo Espresso, allow to plan the advertising campaign in a flexible and focused way, selecting the areas to reach where your message is mostly interesting.



Audiweb gen 2023
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Audiweb gen 2023