Gazzetta di Reggio.it
Gazzetta di Reggio.it gives local and international news and reports to its users. A new style with content always update (24 hours a day of local news by the editorial staff), more interactive (articles, photo, video) and even more connected to the territory (author and citizen blog to give space to the neighborhood too)
The site is daily enhanced with news and information structured in different sections, easy to consult because of its exclusive multimedia topics, presented in a dynamic and engaging way. The latest news is also visualized on a map, which allows you to easily focus on the area you're interested in. You can also simply search a politician's, athlete's or celebrity's name, to read all about him/her.
In a 2.0 point of view users may comment the news and express their own opinion, discuss the articles, participate with polls, notices and petitions, upload photo/video.
The site is a reference for citizens, not only because of its information, but also because of service communication about local and regional events; services, job and products notices; local weather forecast.
The local sites of Gruppo L'Espresso give the opportunity of a flexible and focused advertising planning, through selecting territory areas where you mean to spread communication from, in order to reach the whole national territory.

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Audiweb gen 2023
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Audiweb gen 2023